気になったこと、勉強したこと、その他雑記など色々メモしていきます。。Sometimes these posts will be written in English.,

Entries from 2017-12-01 to 1 month

Rollback Atom's "Synchronize Settings" to specific revision.

Assume you use "Synchronize Settings", the package of Atom Editor for synchronizing settings between multiple environments, and have taken a backup by mistake, you're able to rollback by following way faster than reverting each files with …


AWS Auroraでマルチマスター機能がプレビュー公開されました。# レジュメプレビューはMySQLの互換エディションでのみ利用可らしいです。 マ…

AWS Aurora restarted due to an error Out Of Memory

Recently, there was a problem that Aurora database had been restarting at the same time on daily. Since at the time batch with a huge query had processed, so we guessed it was the cause of restarting Aurora. We asked AWS Technical Support …