気になったこと、勉強したこと、その他雑記など色々メモしていきます。。Sometimes these posts will be written in English.,

Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

Rollback Atom's "Synchronize Settings" to specific revision.

Assume you use "Synchronize Settings", the package of Atom Editor for synchronizing settings between multiple environments, and have taken a backup by mistake, you're able to rollback by following way faster than reverting each files with …


AWS Auroraでマルチマスター機能がプレビュー公開されました。# レジュメプレビューはMySQLの互換エディションでのみ利用可らしいです。 マ…

AWS Aurora restarted due to an error Out Of Memory

Recently, there was a problem that Aurora database had been restarting at the same time on daily. Since at the time batch with a huge query had processed, so we guessed it was the cause of restarting Aurora. We asked AWS Technical Support …

The hard bug in MacOS High Sierra

WTF\(^o^)/ナンテコッター There's a hard bug in MacOS High Sierra if multiple users are accepted to login. In above, anyone seems to be able to get a root privilege of the mac without any specific technical skills. Anyway you'd better to see this …

Modified behavior of jquery plugins [Counter-Up] to effect at only first viewed.

I think this is the most fantastic plugin for increasing the number text dynamically.Counter-Up/jquery.counterup.js at master · bfintal/Counter-Up · GitHubBut it's been getting a little old at recent, so there's a problem that the option n…

Make replication between external Mysql and RDS-Aurora.

My external Mysql, which means non-AWS-RDS, has a large capacity records in it, and have been replicating between master and slave which are both external Mysql.It's difficult and too annoying about its slowness to dump data and to import …

What a awesome awk!!

awk!! You're so fantastic!! I'd love to use "awk" which is a linux command easy to format some kind of text to whatever you want. For instance as below, you're able to get the most recent loadaverage. $ uptime 00:08:33 up 134 days, 7:25, 2…

My recent favorite Podcast

I'm going to introduce my recent favorite Podcast programs for Learning English.Frequently, English is going to be required when we're in a middle of some programming. When we're reading docs, watching movies that someone speeches about te…


.htaccessで以下の様にサブドメを継承し、かつ最初のディレクトリをカットするということがしたくて色々やってハマったのでメモ。 を にリダイレクトしたい。。。 結論、こんな感じになりました。 R…


Google Adwords APIでキーワードの検索ボリュームを取得する話。 前提として、MCCアカウントの取得やOAuthまわりの設定などを済ませておくこと。キーワード候補を取得するRequestType::IDEASのサンプルはよく見かけるけど、任意のキーワードのボリュームだけ…

Behavior of "BETWEEN" operator for datetime in MySQL.

I had a big misunderstanding to the "BETWEEN" operator respect to datetime columns in MySQL.I had thought that "BETWEEN" does not contain the value of end when the date value is used respect to datetime columns like this. SELECT * FROM sam…


boto3とawscliを入れておく $pip install boto3 $pip install awscliAWSのCredentialsなどをセットする $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: アクセスキー AWS Secret Access Key [None]: アクセスキーシークレット Default region name [None]: regi…


ChatworkAPIがv1からv2にバージョンアップしました。 ユーザー数が増えてmessage_idの桁が足りなくなったみたいな感じか?? 対応としては、基本エンドポイントを変更するくらいです。以前アップしたChatworkのAPIラッパーについてはは修正…

How to check if index is exist in Array or Slice in Golang?


I guess in Golang, there isn't any method to check that index is exist in Slice, for PHP like "isset()". So I take a method I made like below. func isset(arr []string, index int) bool { return (len(arr) > index) }By the way, in Golang when…

In CakePHP3, change just a specific table class's datasource.

If you want to get the Table objects to access to DB without appalently using ConnectionManager, I think you use the "TableRegistry" like following. TableRegistry::get("Yours"); Above then, "default" datasource in app.php is chosen. If you…


OAuth2認証において、Googleに認証リクエスト → Google認証画面にてアプリ許可 → コールバック画面に遷移という流れの中で、コールバックをもらった際にどのユーザー(アプリ側の)で認証したかを持ち回る必要があった。 アプリ側で必要となる任意のパラメー…

In the HTML5, "readonly" attribute just works for text fields.

In the HTML5, "readonly" attribute just works for text fields like <input type="text"> or <textarea>... I didn't know about that!For example, in the case of to put an select tag.Like this, it doesn't work as you think. It is editable. <select readonly> <option value="</textarea>…


デイリーの集計絡みのバッチを書いていてちょいはまったのでメモ。 まず、 CakeのShellをcronで叩く際のOfficialの記載はこう 15 0 * * * cd /full/path/to/app && bin/cake myshell myparamこれが動かなかった。 次に試したのは、そもそもcdする必要ないん…



とりあえず行き着いた方法をメモします。 htmlによっては、先頭にxmlステートメントが混ざってくる場合が稀にあるので、最初に除去しておく。 さらに、なぜかscriptやstyleの破片などがノイズとして紛れ込むケースが多々あるので、これらも除去。newDocument…


めちゃめちゃあせったー......orzって話です。 function test(a,b=[]) { // IEだとここで落ちる console.log(a) console.log(b) }こういう書き方をするとIEだとスクリプトが落ちる。(ちなみにIE11) Chrome,FFは動きます。とりあえず typeof b == "undefine…