気になったこと、勉強したこと、その他雑記など色々メモしていきます。。Sometimes these posts will be written in English.,

Entries from 2017-11-01 to 1 month

The hard bug in MacOS High Sierra

WTF\(^o^)/ナンテコッター There's a hard bug in MacOS High Sierra if multiple users are accepted to login. In above, anyone seems to be able to get a root privilege of the mac without any specific technical skills. Anyway you'd better to see this …

Modified behavior of jquery plugins [Counter-Up] to effect at only first viewed.

I think this is the most fantastic plugin for increasing the number text dynamically.Counter-Up/jquery.counterup.js at master · bfintal/Counter-Up · GitHubBut it's been getting a little old at recent, so there's a problem that the option n…

Make replication between external Mysql and RDS-Aurora.

My external Mysql, which means non-AWS-RDS, has a large capacity records in it, and have been replicating between master and slave which are both external Mysql.It's difficult and too annoying about its slowness to dump data and to import …