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AWS CodeDeploy logs that you should watch.

We have a web service with AWS, located in like below environment.
(This time in case of using AmazonLinux)

    - Production:
        - ALB * 1
            - EC2 * 2
    - Dev:
        - EC2 * 1
    - Production: Aurora * 1
    - Dev: Aurora * 1

Our source code is managed by github organization account.
And we're going to deploy source code from github into Production EC2 * 2 with AWS CodeDeploy.
A little before we had many trials to succeed in_place deployment then we caught some Errors in CodeDeploy web console.
If you face any Errors to CodeDeploy in the similar environment to us, at first you'd better to watch these logs in EC2 instance, and they probably help you to solve the problem.


In Addition to above, you should confirm these stuff.

  • IAM roles attached to EC2 and CodeDeploy are correct.
  • EC2 instances status is just helthy.
  • AWS CodeDeploy Agent is installed in EC2 instances.
  • Github Organization account permits access from AWS CodeDeploy.

### Reference.