気になったこと、勉強したこと、その他雑記など色々メモしていきます。。Sometimes these posts will be written in English.,

My recent favorite Podcast

I'm going to introduce my recent favorite Podcast programs for Learning English.

Frequently, English is going to be required when we're in a middle of some programming.
When we're reading docs, watching movies that someone speeches about technology, or stuff like that, there is a case in we have to understand them in English. These below are my favorite programs to Learn English.

  • Bilingual News

Mami and Michael, the personality on this program, talk about some interesting topics.
This have been published every week.

バイリンガルニュース (Bilingual News)

バイリンガルニュース (Bilingual News)

  • Michael & Mami
  • 言語コース
  • ¥0

  • 台本なし英会話レッスン

Japanese Sota and American Nate talk about English grammar, vocabulary, and some episode that how to learn English.



  • 英語のそーた & Nate
  • Language Courses
  • USD 0