気になったこと、勉強したこと、その他雑記など色々メモしていきます。。Sometimes these posts will be written in English.,


AWS Aurora restarted due to an error Out Of Memory

Recently, there was a problem that Aurora database had been restarting at the same time on daily. Since at the time batch with a huge query had processed, so we guessed it was the cause of restarting Aurora. We asked AWS Technical Support …

Make replication between external Mysql and RDS-Aurora.

My external Mysql, which means non-AWS-RDS, has a large capacity records in it, and have been replicating between master and slave which are both external Mysql.It's difficult and too annoying about its slowness to dump data and to import …


久々のブログです。。 mysql5.7でmaster-slaveのレプリケーション設定でハマったのでメモ。 slaveをreadonlyにしたかったので、my.cnfに read_only=1を追加しサービス再起動、試しにslaveに更新系のクエリを投げてみたところ、更新できちゃう!! 意味が分か…


mysqlでtinyint(1)を指定したカラムのデータをcakephp3のモジュールで取得した際に、booleanとして扱われて困った。。mysqlのバージョンは5.6.27cakeのバグか?とも思ったんですが、リファレンスを見てみるとちゃんと書いてあった! ・BOOL、BOOLEAN These t…